How to Make a Thunderstorm Mobile

How to Make a Thunderstorm Mobile

Need a quick baby shower gift or want to liven up your child's room? Only have a couple hours to spare? I have a fast, fun project that can even involve little-handed helpers!


  • Felt (whatever colors you want, but this is what I used)
    • 1/2 yd gray
    • 1/16 yd dark blue
    • 1/16 yd medium blue
    • 1/16 light blue
    • 1/4 yd yellow
  • poly-fil or cotton stuffing
  • clear thread
  • fishing line
  • gold rick rack
  • a piece of chalk or other temporary/erasable writing utensil
  • a rod (I went in the backyard and found a nice looking stick!)

First, lay out your gray felt, folded in half. Draw your fluffy cloud with the chalk (mine ended up about 18" x 18") and cut the two layered cloud out.

Cutting the Cloud

Next, keeping your two layers together, sew almost all the was around the edges, leaving a 1/4" seam allowance and a hole big enough to fit your hand through. Now turn the cloud inside out and stuff it to the brim!

I had a little help!

I had a little help :)

Once your cloud is adequately stuffed, sew up the hole. You can do this by hand, tucking in the edges, or if you don't mind a little seam, just sew it by machine. Yay! First step completed!

Stuffed Cloud  

Next, cut out your raindrops. I cut out about six rain drops in each color, about 18 total. They were each about 2.5" x 1.5".


Now draw your bolts out with chalk, cut them out, and pin your rick rack down the middle.

Glam Bolts  

Next, using a zig zag stitch, sew your rick rack to your bolt. Now it is time to thread your rain drops and bolts onto the fishing line! Cut about six 1 yard long pieces. Thread a needle with the line and string the bolts and drops on in what ever pattern you like. Be sure to knot the bottom of each drop or bolt, especially the last one on each string.  


Almost there! Attach each string to one side of the cloud by threading your needle with the top of the strand, weave that needle in and out of your cloud, and double or triple knot.

Attaching the Rain  

Once all of your strands are attached, it's time to attach your cloud to your rod! Cut two strands of fishing line, each about a foot and a half long. Attach them on opposite sides of your cloud, knotting it the same way as earlier. Then attach those strands to your rod. Wa-la! You now have a beautiful, unique gift or fun accent piece for yourself or child! Mine only took about 2 hours, and I hung it in our living room for a quirky accent piece. I'd love to see pictures of your finished "Fabric Storms"!

Happy Sewing!

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