Icy Fabric Palette

Icy Fabric Palette

What colors should I choose for my next quilt? This conundrum is SO common amongst quilters. 

A great place to pull inspiration for a fabric palette is through photographs! This can be a subtle way to bring in family memories or favorite landscapes into your quilts.

I took this photo on our recent family vacation to Alaska-- this is the Hubbard Glacier. I was not prepared for the spectacular color of these glaciers! Photos can't do them justice, I expected icy blues, but was in awe of the bright turquoises and deep aquamarine. It was breathtaking, so naturally, I was excited to use this as inspiration for a fabric pull. 

This is a really simple, monochromatic palette, so I paid close attention to the saturation since that's what was so stunning about the actual glacier. I made sure to include those vibrant turquoises, dark aqua, icy pale blue, as well as a more gray-ed blue to represent the ocean and mountain in the background. 

I think the wide range in value (lights/darks) would make this palette work beautifully in an actual quilt. 

Need your own color wheel to help you pull together palettes? Download my free one!

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I'd love to hear from you! Did this spark any ideas for you about family vacation photos or landscapes you'd like to turn into fabric palettes? Leave a comment below. 

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Stunning photos


I love the idea of photos for inspiration!


stunning photo, stunning fabrics! can’t wait to see the product!

jan Fitch

Beautiful picture, i cant wait to see what you are going to do.

Debi Mashak

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