Mosaic Fabric Reveal

Mosaic Fabric Reveal

I have something I'd like to share with you.
Her name is Mosaic .
She's dressed in 3 different moods. Cool, Warm, and Serenely Neutral. 
She's got some glitz. Each of these Mosaic Rose prints has metallic in a different placement. 
The grout of the Mosaic Tile print is metallic as well. 
I designed this print specifically with applique in mind. 
When I quilt, I love working with mostly monochromatic (all or mostly all one color) prints. I then throw in a neutral or two and maybe one or two pops of color. I designed this entire collection with that formula in mind. There are lots of these monochromatic prints, some fun pops of color, and a bunch of functional neutrals to round it all out. 
This is my first collection with Andover Fabrics, and they could not have been more lovely to work with. Really. This collection is so much more beautiful because of the immensely talented humans at Andover. 
I cannot get enough of this print right now. I want to cut all the applique pieces from it. 
This quilt pattern can be downloaded for free at
I use neutrals ALOT, especially as background fabrics. They help my bright fabric choices to really stand out. So I was delighted to include 10 soft, neutral prints into Mosaic.
That print that looks all white in the photo is actually the Rose Outline print in white ink on white fabric. It makes an amazing background because it has just a subtle texture. The print is like a secret that you only see when you get up close. 
It’s all I have to bring today—
This, and my heart beside—
This, and my heart, and all the fields—
And all the meadows wide—
Be sure you count—should I forget
Some one the sum could tell—
This, and my heart, and all the Bees
Which in the Clover dwell.
-Emily Dickinson
This poem is my personal mantra. Putting your art and work out into the world is a scary thing. I recite this poem out loud to myself before I write anything. I just recited it to myself before beginning this post. I recite it to myself before speaking in front of an audience or before teaching a workshop. It magically and instantly takes me from normal-everyday-mood to a place of presence, gratitude, power, and whimsy. It helps me to fully show up, be present, and know that I have so much more to bring today than a humble offering of fabric, quilts, or tips about applique.
I am so proud of how this collection turned out. I kept the quilter in mind the entire time I was creating it, and I think it is a super functional, usable collection because of this. 
The full collection is avaiblable in my shop!  Shop all Mosaic fabric now.
I cannot wait to see what you are going to create with Mosaic! 
Did this post spark any ideas? Which is your favorite print? Leave a comment below.
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The pattern, colours and fabric are stunning. Its great to also have ideas on how fabrics can be used in a different way bringing up to date ideas to new quilters like me who need inspiration and ideas that are outside of the traditional blocks etc.


Congrats on your new fabric line! Gorgeous colors! Can’t wait to get some!

Kumi Fisher

LOVE the new fabrics! Congrats on this new project. You’ve hit a home run!

Linda Conway

Love your patterns and fabrics. I have made tons of skylines and have just used fabric and your new mosaic fabric will be perfect. Love your word fabric and then large words on quilts.

Linda Bingham

Congratulations! It is a great fabric collection. I’m always partial to cool colors in blues and greens, mostly prints that read as solids. The different colors mix well and offer lots of possibilities. I really like your “Create” quilt. Thank you for keeping the quilters in mind.


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