Portrait Quilts -- Turn a Photo into a Quilt

Portrait Quilts -- Turn a Photo into a Quilt

Have you ever wanted to turn a photograph into a quilt? 

That's exactly what we've been doing in the Meander Quilt Guild this month!

I started with a photo of my beautiful Grandmother, Dorothy, taken right around the time of her wedding. Isn't she stunning? 

I then turned that photograph into a design that I could use. And for Portraits I really like to use value instead of color to create the design, so I pay close attention to the lights and darks, ignoring the realistic color entirely. 

I then translated that design into fabric using my raw-edge appliqué method. I am really pleased with how this one turned out, and I want to start another one with this same portrait, but maybe with more warm colors or prints! Or even make it scrappy! We'll see...

This has quickly become one of our Meander Member's favorite workshops! So many of our members have been sharing their portrait plans and designs in our private Facebook group, it's been a lot of fun to see! Maybe I'll do another post in the future of our members' Portrait Quilts! 

Here is a photo of my Grandmother on her wedding day. This one might need to become a quilt one day too, though the lace detail might prove tricky. I love these photos.  She passed away in 2018, and I miss her everyday. 


Now, I'd love to hear from you! If you were to turn a photograph into a quilt, who would you choose to be the subject? A child or grandchild? A pet? A wedding photo? Leave a comment below and let us know!

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I would like to make a quilt with all my grandchildren photos. Also, we lost our 17 year old grandson, I would like to make his mom and dad a quilt with photos of Jack’s life.

Beautiful way to remember!


I would love to learn this technique to turn my grandsons photo into a quilt for my daughter. Please let me know if you will be teaching this class in the future. Stay safe!

Lou Ann Janes

I would like to take a photo of my grandchildren and turn it into a wall hanging. How do I access the class on this method?

Cathy simons

Just wanted to say that your grandmother is beautiful and look at that skinny waist.


I’ve been wanting to do one of a dog. Think now might be the time.

Carolyn Keith

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