Migrations Quilt Sampler

I quilted it with a free-form leaf/feather-like motif and added a pop of color in a corner of the binding.
I loved contributing to this fabulous book, and I know you all will love it! If you want to add this lovely book to your library, you can purchase a signed copy here.
The Tour
Here is the schedule for the Blog Tour, be sure to check out the other stops, and get inspired by the incredible projects being shared. (Also enter to win a copy of the book at each stop!)-
Mon. March 14: Casey York | http://studioloblog.wordpress.
com C&T Publishing |http://www.ctpub.com/blog/ -
Tues. March 15: Jenna Brand | http://jennabrand.com/ (coming soon!) Adrianne Ove/Pink Chalk | http://www.pinkchalkstudio.
com/blog/ -
Wed. March 16: Jenifer Dick | http://42quilts.com/ Pati Fried | https://seehowwesew.wordpress.
com/ -
Thurs. March 17: Shannon Brinkley | http://www.thebottletree.net/
blog/ Bari J. | http://barijdesigns.com/blogs/ blog -
Fri. March 18: Debbie Grifka | http://eschhousequilts.com/
blog Beth Vassalo | http://plumandjune.blogspot. com -
Mon. March 21: Latifah Saafir | http://www.
latifahsaafirstudios.com/blog -
Tues. March 22: Lynn Harris | http://thelittleredhen.
typepad.com Kevin Kosbab | http://feeddog.blogspot.com Modern Quilts Unlimited | https://modernquilts.mqumag. com/category/blog -
Web. March 23: Allison Rosen | http://withinaquarterinch.com/ Cindy Lammon | http://hyacinthquiltdesigns.
blogspot.com/ -
Thurs. March 24: Rossie Hutchinson | http://www.rossiecrafts.com/
blog Generation Q | http://generationqmagazine. com/ -
Fri. March 25: Betz White | http://betzwhite.com/blog Casey York | http://studioloblog.wordpress.
The Giveaway!
Casey and C&T Publishing are giving away a hard copy of The Applique Book at each stop on the tour! (For US winners only, if you are outside the US, they'll send you the ebook!) To enter, tell me your thoughts on applique in a comment below. Do you love it? Hate it? Scared to try it? Have a favorite type? I wanna know. The giveaway will close on March 25th. **Giveaway Closed**
Inspired to start on some applique right now? Grab my free Simple Raw-Edge Applique guide + patterns!
Cheers and happy sewing!
Originally I was never very interested in appliqué or quilting. However, once I discovered modern quilting I fell in love with it and started learning. The same thing has been true of modern appliqué, I haven’t tried it yet but it’s something I love the look of and am dying to learn. :)
I used to shy away from applique but then I plunged in and never looked back. Piecing, applique, I love all kinds of methods! Loving the look of this book.
Applique isn’t my favorite quilt form to make, but it does make a great sofa project while watching TV.
looks like an awesome book, thank you.
I love the look and the effect of applique but I’m scared to use it in case I’m not good enough and it doesnt stand up to the wear and tear it might get.